• Desert locust
  • solitary phase locust
  • Gregarious phase
  • Locust attack tracker
  • Are locust dangerous 
  • Reasons behind infestation of locus
  • Prevention

Desert locust- 

Locust is a group of short horned grasshoppers found in tropical region. 

Locust has two phases -
  • solitary phase
  • gregarious phase
SOLITARY PHASE- In this phase locust does not come in large group, changes color according to surrounding, low level of oxygen intake and low metabolic rate. 

GREGARIOUS PHASE- In this phase locust gathers in group,  fixed pattern of black and yellow, increase in level of oxygen and metabolic rate. 

Interesting fact about locust- 
Solitary phase locust if grows in the presence of locust (mature locust) it leads to different physiological changes and give birth to locust (directly in gregarious phase). And this gregarious phase locust if matures in isolation will produce solitary phase locust.    

Locust attack tracker- 

Drones were used by indian authorities in order to track locust and to spray insecticides. India is battling its worst desert locust outbreak. 
Active parts of India(locus attack)-
  • Rajasthan 
  • MP
  • UP 
  • Haryana
  • Punjab
  • Maharashtra
  • Delhi


Last month from Pakistan swarms entered rajasthan and then due to strong wind reached western parts also. 20 districts of rajasthan were affected with locust attack. Locusts can feed upto it's own weight. Locust invaded some green areas like park in jaipur due no crops.

Above 80,000 hectares in Rajasthan is affected by locust attack. Swarms from rajasthan moved towards UP and MP.
Several waves of locusts are possible till July in rajasthan said "The United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organisation". And from rajasthan swarms will move towards Bihar and Orrisa. After July direction of wind will change and that will lead to change in direction of movement of locust. Swarms will have westward movement, which will result in invasion of locusts again in rajasthan. 
Locust invasion in Jhansi lead to massive destruction. Prayagraj district is also on alert. It is a wake up call for all other districts of UP and others states. 
Movement of locust is towards areas of Madhya Pradesh (with wind direction).
Swarm of 1.5 km in Alwar district can move towards bhangarh, sawi, Tonk. 

Locust crossed Bavanthadi river and reached Balaghant district in MP. From MP swarms moved towards maharashtra. 

Around 50% of the locust were killed in maharashtra by agriculture department. 
In Bhandara drums were used to fight locust, disnfectants were sprayed. 

Several districts of haryana and punjab are on alert. Farmers of haryana and punjab are also guided about locust. If swarms found, should be informed to Agriculture Department. Techniques are ready to kill locust in Haryana.
Control rooms are set and farmers are asked to keep informed about locust activity. 
To prevent locust attack insecticides and pesticides are sprayed on crops. Awarness campanign is to be run for guidence of farmers. Delhi forest Departmnet planned to cover saplings to protect from locust attack. 


After egg hatching, green vegtation is required by locust for growth and deserts do not provide leafy cover to locust. So, green vegetation is required for development of lymph to winged adult moth. 


Locusts are not dangerous till the point they are in solitary phase or in small scarted groups. It turns into a problem when these scarted groups or solitary phase grows into large population which turns solitary phase locust to gregareous phase locust (large population-swarms )

Swarm- A single swarm contains more than 50 million gregareous phase locust and can travel upto 150km/ day. 


•Unusual raining turned out to be favourable condition. Immature group of locusts is result of heavy rainfall. 

•Amphan cyclone which hit west bengal and orrisa caused changes in wind and drawed swarms towards the central part of our country. 

Thses are the two factors responsible for invasion of locusts- unusual heavy rainfall in the month of March-April and strong westerly winds. 


  • Locusts attack can be prevented using insecticides and pesticides. All kharif crops are required to be monitored.  But these insecticides and pesticides have negative impact on environment 
  •  Eco-friendly insecticides can be used for prevention but drawback of eco-friendly insecticide is, it doesn't work effectively. 
  • Loud noise- Farmers used this technique in order to scare locust. Farmers played drums, containers, utensils. But this is a temporary solution because locust will move from that area to some other area. 
  • Best solution was given by Pakistan. Government asked farmers to trap these locust and hand over to authorities.For trapping these locust farmers will be awarded. Government will use these locust for feeding chicken. Locust is a good source of protein. For animal feeding industries locust can be of great advantage because it has 70% protein as compared to soyabean (which is used for feeding animals). This is a great idea and should be used by India also. 

A report highlighted that in swarms major population is immature locusts (feed on vegetation). Locust feed vegetation of it's own weight everyday before being ready for mating. These immature locust feed on vegetation but have not laid eggs. Once breeding season is ON (in favourable conditions) it would slow down swarm movement. According to experts breeding will take place in Rajasthan. 

All kharif crops are required to be monitored because if locust attack on kharif crops it will be another major problem for India where people are already fight with coronavirus outbreak and Amphan cyclone.

For India this year is not going to be easy with coronavirus outbreak,  Amphan cyclone and locust attack. But as always Indians will fight back. 

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