
·       WHAT IS  5G 


     Working of 5G 


      5G a game changer

·       Cellular network-

·       1G (First Generation) – voice calls , speed- 2.4 kbps.

·       2G (Second generation) - voice calls and SMS, speed- 50 Kbps or 1 Mbps.

·       3G (Third Generation) - Mobile web browsing, speed- 3.1Mbps.

·       4G (Fourth Generation)- video consumption with high data speed, speed- up to 100 Mbps


World is changing, we require high speed to move along with this evolution. 4G network has high data speed, but 5G is 40 times faster than 4G cellular network.

Latency- It is the time taken by cellular network to provide information or any kind of results to the receiver.

Low latency is the key factor of 5G network. Reduced latency means mobile networks are capable of providing fast services, fast downloads and could be replacement of WiFi networks.

4G networks are not able to support many upcoming technologies like driverless car. 5G network is capable of handling upcoming as well as current technologies.


5G network is improved version of 4G LTE cellular network. 5G network is designed in such a way that it connects entire world virtually. 5G network is designed in such a way that it delivers multiple Gbps peak data speed with least level of latency. Initially 5G network will be operated along with 4G. Expected year for 5G availability is 2025.  


·       IoT (internet of things)- It is machine to machine communication without human interaction. This will lead to complete revolution in industries.

·       Low latency communications- unlike 4G network, 5G comes with least latency. Because of low latency real time control on devices is possible.


5G network will provide connection with millions of devices. Devices used for smart city, schools, safe vehicles.

Emerging technologies- virtual reality gives a better experience and user feels the moment. Today we watch videos like travel vlogs, movies etc. but through those videos we cannot feel being on the same place as travel vlogger. Using virtual reality this is possible.

Working of 5G –

Working of 5G required two components – 

  1. Radio access network  
  2. Core network


Radio access network- small cells, towers comes under radio access network. Through radio access network mobile is connected to CORE NETWORK.

5G Small cells will provide short connection range. So there’s a need of cluster distribution (small cells) in order to provide 5G network connection to users.

MIMO (MULTIPE INPUT, MULTIPEL OUTPUT)- it is 5G network antenna. With the help of MIMO instant high data flow is done. MIMO are similar in size to that of 3G and 4G base station. But function wise it is a huge MIMO.

Core network- it manages core of the 5G network. For every advance feature added in 5G network the core network is redesigned. Every advance feature like low latency, virtual reality will be managed in core network

So, through radio access network mobile is connected to core network and core network takes care of all the functions that are performed in mobiles or other machines.


NETWORK SLICING- network slicing is used for segmenting network of different industries. Each industry will operate on a network independent of other industries.

NETWORK FUNCTION VIRTUALIZATION- It is Instant network functioning in real time at any location with least level of latency. Network function virtualization takes place within operator’s cloud platform.

5G a game changer

5G will improve networks, low latency that means Reduced latency means mobile networks are capable of providing fast services, fast downloads and could be replacement of WiFi networks.

5G will enable us to live virtual reality through videos  and will provide great experience.




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